Saturday, August 02, 2008

Managing Information Technology in Small Business: Challenges and Solutions

This book is a timely contribution to a niche issue that has been under discussion for the last few years. In addition to some meassurement tools such a frameworks, models, approaches for IT use measurement in small business, the book builds its wealth of knowledge on the basis of ample case studies from different countries.

In many countries, small businesses comprise over 95% of the proportion of private businesses and approximately half of the private workforce, with information technology being used in more than 90% of these businesses. As a result, governments worldwide are placing increasing importance upon the success of small business entrepreneurs and are providing increased resources to support this emphasis. Managing Information Technology in Small Business: Challenges and Solutions presents research in areas such as IT performance, electronic commerce, internet adoption, and IT planning methodologies and focuses on how these areas impact small businesses.
More Information
Info Mirror